Saturday, 19 September 2009


Day 9 - September 17
We set off this morning with no particular destination in mind, just to explore the beaches and coastline of Brittany. The only problem with being in the motorhome is the worry that the roads you follow may be too narrow. We have taken the coast road and seen some wonderful stretches of pure sandy beaches with rough seas and rolling waves crashing in, the weather still being unpredictable. We are seriously considering heading south sooner than we had planned now.
To cheer ourselves up we went for some retail therapy to Intermarche - - how sad is that? I treated myself to a new bread knife as the one I have been using is no match for a French stick! We also bought a kilo of mussels for lunch. I cooked them at an aire close by and then we felt much better. It always seems to do the trick!
We have now wandered along the northernmost tip of Brittany, dipping down into tiny villages and resorts along the way and found some real gems. Tregastel has a lovely beach and quite a few bars and restaurants, then moving on from there to Tregastel Plage and Trebeurden we found a totally deserted cove at Pors Mabo Plage and hey presto – the sun came out!
We have been very surprised to find a lot of restrictions regarding motorhomes parking or stopping, as we had read in the guide books that Brittany was one of the few, if not the only, place in France that allows wild camping. To be honest we haven’t needed to consider this anyway, as we have been very fortunate in getting in at the places we have earmarked, although tonight we came across an aire in Locquirec that takes only 5 (we got the last space – again!) on a parking area only feet from the pebble beach, and we will be lulled off to sleep with the sound of the sea again – magic!

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