Day 5 – September 13
Journeyed to Honfleur today – a grand total of 53km! To get here we passed through Le Havre (as quickly as possible!) and crossed the Pont de Normandie, a huge humpbacked bridge, for want of a better description! It’s height and span are breathtaking as it crosses the mouth of the Seine, but even more worrying is how low the railings at the side are, considering pedestrians are allowed on it – a strong breeze and you’d be over!
Honfleur is one of our favourite places. It is VERY touristy but in a very nice way. The life of the place centres on the harbour with it’s quaint buildings all around and quayside restaurants, so lunch here was a must today. Mussels of course!
Having arrived early we (or rather I!) took the opportunity to do a spot of cleaning the motorhome – this took all of 10 minutes! Who said I would miss home??? I have also done some washing but am having problems coming to terms with my knickers hanging out of the window…..
We spoke to Sophie today to check all is well back home, and spoke to my sister Lynn who is currently in Switzerland in her motorhome – must be catch-up day. Thank you to all of you who are following our travels, those of you who have taken the trouble to register and comment, and again sorry for the delay in posting anything on our blog, but there are very few wi-fi opportunities here which has rather caught us by surprise. However half an hour in McDonalds car park this morning should have brought you all up to speed!
This will be sent on Monday on the way out of Honfleur – God bless the golden arches!
Managed to drag Peter away from his book – Chris and Gary will be very impressed by this – and into Honfleur to see it by night. We hit a wine bar and encountered Pauline, Jane, Ro, Janet and Penelope and thoroughly enjoyed their somewhat lively company for an hour or two – fantastic to speak in English for a change! They insisted on dragging their two friends Sally and Maureen from their beds to come and meet with Peter Kay from Bolton – what a let down it must have been to find two middle aged motorhomers instead!!
From here we are heading towards Mont St Michel – another place to tick off on our must-do list! Not sure when we’ll be able to post again after Monday, but hopefully you’ll be watching this space! It’s lovely to know you are all with us in spirit.
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