Saturday, 19 September 2009


Day 8 – September 16
First of all, happy birthday Ross! Don’t worry, 25 isn’t that bad when you’re our age!
We had our longest travelling day today – 168 kms – mainly due to the weather being poor. So much for the red sky last night boding well! From Mont St Michel we took the road along the coast as much as possible as this was Peter’s original idea, to follow the coastline of Europe anti-clockwise – just another of his little idiosyncrasies! The coast along here is well known for oysters and mussels and we passed through a number of towns where these are their speciality, but all too early in the day for us. I don’t think I could face an oyster at 11.00am!
Once past St Malo the coastline changes into wide sweeping sandy bays which must be fabulous in good weather. We are both really disappointed that we haven’t been able to take advantage of them due to howling winds and rain – not our idea of fun, however bracing.
Our aire for tonight is at Plouha, north of St Brieuc. We were really lucky again to get the last space. It is about 50 yards from a pebble beach and the sea has been coming in in huge rollers. We walked along the shore for a while to stretch our legs and take in some ozone and watched a lone, brave surfer trying his best to catch a wave – with very little success.
I never really thought I would need my down jacket and hat when I put them in the wardrobe at the last minute, but I was very glad of them today! However, mad as it might seem, we have both kept our pledge to wear shorts every day of this trip – so far!
As we settle down for the night the wind is still very strong and we can hear the waves breaking on the beach. The motorhome is rocking in the “breeze”. I love it when it’s like this, and we are so cosy – strange I know!

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