Day 4 – September 12
Our original intention was to head for Honfleur today but we had a late start following Peter’s educational pigeon conversation, and realised that we would probably arrive too late for a space as the aire there is very popular.
We called for fresh provisions (wine!) at the supermarket and then wandered along the coast visiting tiny resorts along the way. The coastline here is all chalk cliffs and shingle beaches giving rise to the name – Cote d’Albatre (Alabaster). We took the scenic route past the nuclear power station – never let it be said that we don’t see everything when we travel! – and admired the courage and agility of windsurfers each time we stopped along the coast. The sea is quite rough here and combined with the strong winds the conditions for sailing and windsurfing are obviously ideal.
Our destination today was the town of Etretat. Parking in the town was impossible and we ended up on an aire on the outskirts of the town but only about 15 minutes walk away.
Etretat is famous for its cliff formations painted by Monet, and they are lovely, contrasting with the turquoise shades of the sea. The town is very lively with lots of very old buildings, and the busiest we have come across so far.
We climbed the coastal path along the clifftops to admire the spectacular views across the bay and take hundreds of photographs!
You sound as if you are having a fab time, Alex says remember to bring him a football shirt back (cheeky or what!!!) xxx