Tuesday, 6 October 2009


Day 27 – October 5
The illuminated chateau from last night wasn’t even visible this morning, the cloud was so thick and the rain was so heavy. We had a slow start, taking full advantage of the unlimited hot water for showers on the campsite and set off late morning to explore the chateau at Saumur. Having done this we decided that as the weather was so poor we would carry on to Abbaye de Fontevraud as much of this is under cover!
We passed through true vineyard country on the way, resisting the roadside invitations to taste and buy direct – not a recommended pastime when having to manoeuvre a 6 metre motorhome! There are a huge number of troglodyte dwellings in this area carved into the soft white rock, and even a “cave du vins” cut into the rock.
The Abbaye is a huge abbey complex dating to the 11th century with masses of original features retained despite a huge restoration programme. It is also allegedly the final resting place of Richard the Lionheart, but there are many other places in France that make the same claim, so a pinch of salt is needed!
After the abbey we drove through Chinon, which has strong associations with Joan of Arc, after passing through vast swathes of open countryside where the corn is currently being harvested and the grapes are weighing heavy on the vines.
We ended the day on the aire at Azay Le Rideau, a real fairytale chateau set on a moat, which we will visit in the morning.
Happy birthday Nick for the 6th. Have a great day - we'll raise a glass (or two!) to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. Had a good Geography lesson today - looked at all the places you have visited so far. Not the same as being there but very interesting. How about an interactive map at the start of your blog on the next trip? Perhaps we could come along and help you by drawing the map each day!!!
